Category: Uncategorized

027: Temptations Couples Face and How to Guard Your Heart

Sadly, we don’t have to look too far or too long to witness broken marriages or hear of affairs and inappropriate relationships — especially in the age of social media and instant news. When this happens, we can remind of ourselves of two universal truths. First, the human heart without God can be a very…
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026: Is It Really the Small Things That Count?

In the latest episode of In the Meanwhile, we discuss the importance of small things and how persistence and consistency in these seemingly mundane things lead to the big things we all want in every aspect of our lives.  Think about those “little things” you do every day. The housework. Your exercise.  Your Bible reading.…
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023: 3 Secrets to Success in God’s Eyes

Is it possible to be successful in man’s eyes and yet fail in God’s eyes? Or, is it possible to successful in God’s eyes and yet fail in man’s eyes?  The answer to both of these is yes, although this is certainly not the message we receive all around us each and every day. In…
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022: Does a Person Who Commits Suicide Go to Heaven?

If you’ve ever experienced the grief of losing a Christian loved one through suicide, then you may have asked yourself this question:  Will I see them again one day in Heaven? It’s an age-old question that’s mostly rooted in the misunderstanding of what the Bible calls the “unpardonable sin” in Matthew 12 and Mark 3. …
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021: Rekindling Your Marriage

All he ever wanted was to make her happy and all she ever wanted was to make him happy.  Sounds selfless, doesn’t it? But what happens when the fire goes out in a marriage or we don’t have what it takes anymore to keep the other person happy? In today’s episode of In the Meanwhile,…
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