
YouTube Series: Failure Is an Event; Not a Person. How to Recover When You Blow It.

Have you ever blown it big time? Ever feel like a failure? What do you do when you feel like a loser? This biblical lesson for will completely change your outlook when things don’t work out the way you thought they would–or should.

YouTube Series: Spin, Misspeak, Exaggeration: People Who Lie Ultimately Will Not Prosper

We have so many good things coming down the line for Meanwhile Ministries –primarily encouraging and edifying resources –– in the form of online courses, Facebook community groups, blog posts and videos. And soon, we’ll also have an updated website designed to better showcase all we have to offer and to help you easily find,…
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014: If I Grieve, Does That Mean I Don’t Trust God?

Have you ever felt guilty for not trusting the Lord while grieving the loss of something or someone dear to you? You’re not alone. This is a common and natural response. However, God’s Word gives us what we need to view our grief from His vantage point, anchoring us in His comforting truth to help…
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013: Manna Moments

Download Our latest ‘In the Meanwhile” podcast is inspired by a very real answer to prayer for a dear family member and also to the circumstances behind the new “meanwhile” that Page and I find ourself in right now. These circumstances in our lives remind us that it is God who provides our manna for…
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012: What a Difference the Resurrection Makes

Download If Jesus had not risen from the grave like He said he would, then the Bible wouldn’t be true and mankind would truly have no hope for living. But He is risen, just as He promised! In the latest episode of In the Meanwhile, we talk about the difference the Resurrection makes in the…
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