
Working for Jesus

Continue with us on our home-building journey as Page shares about sheet-rock removal, the hard-working crew at the house now and what Colossians 2 has to say about it all. You can read her post here.   

Unless the Lord Builds the House (Video Update #3)

We were live on Facebook yesterday and we took another look at the work before us, sharing a couple of surprises and a few spiritual lessons to learn from! If you missed us, you can still join us by watching below.

Waiting for the Reward

Is virtue truly its own reward? Les Hughes devotes some thoughts to this question in his latest blog post.  When we were kids my brother had a T-shirt that read “Virtue is it’s own punishment.” I didn’t get the saying then, but now I know it’s a satirical slant on the saying, “Virtue is it’s…
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New Resource: What the Bible Says About the Meanwhile

Do you ever feel “stuck” in life, waiting for God to make his will clear or His purpose plain? Or perhaps you feel like you’re going nowhere and that your life is “on hold” indefinitely. It’s hard to believe that it may not be what comes next — that job promotion or relocation, the newborn…
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Removing the Thorns that Block Our Path

The first physical project we took on with the house was finding the side door. It is not that the door wasn’t visible. It was, but you could not get to it because a rose bush had grown over the steps leading to it along with large stalk-type weeds that were almost six feet tall.…
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