032: Leading Your Family Through the Lessons of Easter

032: Leading Your Family Through the Lessons of Easter

The days before the Resurrection when Jesus was in the tomb represent humanity’s ultimate meanwhile moment and that morning when He arose is cause for ultimate rejoicing for eternity!

In this episode of In the Meanwhile, we share some meaningful ways you can lead your family through the lessons of Easter, remembering each step Jesus took in the days leading to His crucifixion and what it felt like for His disciples to find the empty tomb that glorious morning.

Show Notes:

Two practical ways you can lead your family (and community) through the lessons of Easter:

  1. Create a wooden cross to place in your yard and drape it with a purple cloth, then a black cloth and then a white cloth to represent Jesus death, burial and resurrection. Page sold these one year to raise money for a mission trip.
  2. Host an Easter egg hunt at your house for your children and your neighbors. Place different items in each egg to represent the Easter story.

Item Ideas for Easter Eggs:

  • perfumed paper (anointed by Mary before crucifixion) 
  • cracker crumbs (Lord’s supper)
  • paper that said, “Abba, Father” (reminder that Jesus prayed before his arrest)
  • three dimes (Judas betrayal for 30 pieces of silver)
  • feather (even before the rooster crowed, Peter had denied him three times)
  • purple fabric or thorn (Jesus was mocked)
  • nail (crucifixion) 
  • white fabric (Jesus was wrapped in a white cloth)
  • cinnamon and cloves (the women were preparing to bring spices
  • a rock (stone in front of the tomb was rolled away) 
  • empty egg (empty tomb)
  • cotton (cloud)

Links Mentioned In this Episode: