031: How Should a Christ Follower Respond to Crisis?

031: How Should a Christ Follower Respond to Crisis?

From Coronavirus to the oil crisis in the Middle East, the temptation to fear and panic is hard to resist, even for Christians. 

And yet of all people, Christians have the most reason not to panic: a trustworthy and all-sovereign God we call our own. 

In this episode of In the Meanwhile, Les and Page Hughes have a needful, encouraging conversation about the Christian’s response to crisis. 

We invite you to listen in and share with your friends during a difficult time for many. 

Show Notes:

A Christian’s Response:

  • Pray for others. 
  • Trust in God’s sovereignty and care. 
  • Be wise.
  • Continue to do life. 
  • Rely on the promises of God.
  • Choose joy.
  • Dwell on the right things. 


  • God would show Himself strong through our leadership. 
  • For the sick.
  • For those taking care of the sick.
  • Pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ would be made much of in areas closed to the gospel. 

Links Mentioned In this Episode:

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