027: Temptations Couples Face and How to Guard Your Heart

027: Temptations Couples Face and How to Guard Your Heart

Sadly, we don’t have to look too far or too long to witness broken marriages or hear of affairs and inappropriate relationships — especially in the age of social media and instant news. When this happens, we can remind of ourselves of two universal truths. First, the human heart without God can be a very dark place. And second, we have a desperate need for salvation and redemption by the Gospel of grace. 

In this episode of In the Meanwhile, Les and Page share how we can guard our hearts and our marriages against deception and temptation with the breastplate of righteousness. 


Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place . . . Ephesians 6:14b

Along with the helmet, the breastplate was the most vital piece of armor. That’s because it protects the heart and other vital organs.  This part of the armor was made of metal plates or chains, and covered the body from the neck to the waist, both front and back. It symbolizes the believer’s righteousness in Christ and his righteous behavior and habits in Christ. 

Here are some things that make married couples more vulnerable to the schemes of the devil:

  1. A lack of intimacy in marriage.
  2. Emotional drain or depression.
  3. Periods of seperation.
  4. Time alone with the opposite sex.
  5. Pride from success or achievement.
  6. Lots of time with another couple.

Besides guarding against those things above, here are some next steps:

  1. Be alert to the devil’s schemes and stand firm.
  2. Take God and His word seriously.
  3. Keep pure thoughts.
  4. Get help.

Bottom Line: the reason you keep on the breastplate of righteousness; the reason you guard your heart is that you are in a fight. You’re in a spiritual war. This isn’t a game. There are real casualties. When you carry out the act, your mind becomes polluted; your conscience becomes damaged and God gets shoved out. 

But the righteousness of God is a powerful weapon against the schemes of the Devil. 

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