022: Does a Person Who Commits Suicide Go to Heaven?

022: Does a Person Who Commits Suicide Go to Heaven?

If you’ve ever experienced the grief of losing a Christian loved one through suicide, then you may have asked yourself this question: 

Will I see them again one day in Heaven?

It’s an age-old question that’s mostly rooted in the misunderstanding of what the Bible calls the “unpardonable sin” in Matthew 12 and Mark 3. 

In the latest episode of “In the Meanwhile,” we help shine biblical truth on this important question to encourage those whose lives have been deeply touched by the heartbreak of suicide.

This episode is sponsored by Heaven by the Book, an online course to help you joyfully prepare for the reality of eternity. Learn more.

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Show Notes

The grim reality of suicide has touched each of our lives at different points in a very personal and real way and we know we aren’t alone.

  • In 2016, there were 44,965 suicides ( and this doesn’t count the attempts).
  • The annual average suicide rate increased 2% from 1999 to 2015 and continues to increase today.
  • The highest rate of suicide is among adults aged 45 to 54 and 78 percent are caucasian males. This averages 129 suicides per day.

Two important truths:

  1. God is the giver of life.
  2. Value your own life.

Q: Will I see my Christian loved one in Heaven one day although he or she took their own life here on earth?

A: If they truly believed in the Lord for salvation, then yes, you will.

What about the unpardonable sin?

The unpardonable sin we read about in Matthew and Mark refer to the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit, which in biblical context, is unbelief and ultimate rejection of God.

Faith and unbelief can’t share the same place.

Sometimes even Christians struggle with depression and look for an escape from the struggles here on earth. If they have called on the Lord for salvation and are true believers, then our merciful Father will still keep His promise of eternal life through Him.

Bottom Line

Our eternal state is not dependent on our action here on earth, but on the finished work on the cross.