021: Rekindling Your Marriage

021: Rekindling Your Marriage

All he ever wanted was to make her happy and all she ever wanted was to make him happy. 

Sounds selfless, doesn’t it?

But what happens when the fire goes out in a marriage or we don’t have what it takes anymore to keep the other person happy?

In today’s episode of In the Meanwhile, Les and Page talk about marriage and how to rekindle it God’s way.

These principles are timeless and can be applied to marriage but also beyond marriage and to friends and family as well. 

Show Notes

This episode is sponsored by Your Story In His Story, an online Bible survey course to compliment your daily Bible reading. Learn more.

Three Timeless Principles for a Healthy Marriage

  1. Choose to treat each other with respect. Honor each other.
  2. Choose to do good to your spouse. (Romans 12:10 – Outdo one another in showing love.)
  3. Have fun! Be intentional about your time together. (Go back to what you first did.)

A Bit of Personal Advice from Les

Don’t wait until you have a heart attack or another kind of wake-up call happens before you start giving time to the one who is going to be there with you through it. The most important investment you can make is in your marriage.

Bottom Line:

The purpose of the husband and wife relationship is not about making us happy. The purpose of marriage is to reflect the Bridegroom and His Church.