015: Stranger Things

015: Stranger Things


In our first “In the Meanwhile” podcast of the new year, Page and I review 2018 and look forward to the rest of 2019.

Our title is fitting. We’ve seen some “drama” as Page likes to say, but so many blessings in disguise through unexpected, or “stranger” things.

Show Notes

In this episode, we play off the title of the popular TV series, “Stranger Things” and talk about those unexpected, or “strange” circumstances the Lord can bring our way and how we can have a biblical perspective during those times.

Some examples of stranger things we discuss are:

  • The loss of a job
  • Closed doors
  • A “No” rather than a “Yes” answer to our prayers
  • Derailed plans

Food for Thought:

  • There is a difference between consistency and security.
  • There is no such thing as security outside our salvation in Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus learned obedience through suffering. What does that mean for us?

Today’s episode of “In the Meanwhile” is sponsored by Your Story In His Story, a year-long online course designed to complement your daily Bible reading.

We hope you’ll listen in and share your thoughts and your own stories of “stranger things” in the Meanwhile Moments group on Facebook.

Podcast Video Available

For those who aren’t driving, working out or listening while cleaning house, we’re pleased to announce that you can view this episode as a video!

4 Responses

  1. Mike taylor says:

    Les and Paige y’all are such blessings from God. I live your pod casts and thank you God for allowing this ministry

  2. Curtis says:

    God bless you richly in 2019 and beyond… I’m blessed by your friendship and your insight into the ways of the LORD.

  3. Lisa Boyd says:

    Such a great podcast today, Les & Page!! Thanks for sharing! Yes, stranger things happen for all of us and it was a really great reminder as to how to deal with the strange things of life. I like how Page said she’s writing down the “manna moments.” I pray God’s blessings on you two and your precious family this year!!!

  4. Vi Riek says:

    As usual Les and Page point out things that we all need to hear and think about in our own lives. Thy will not ours may be the hardest prayer the average Christian ever has to pray. I had to pray it over my husband on a bed when the doctor said {Go home but keep the prayer line open} and Praise God His will has kept him alive.

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