Rethinking Valentine’s Day

Rethinking Valentine’s Day

Remember those Valentines you used to give to your classmates in grade-school? They were either store-bought featuring silly puns or handmade with extra glue and extra, extra glitter! As you grew older, those Valentines became nearly a mandatory part of romantic love whether dating or married to someone special.

But the fun of Valentine’s Day can extend way past those relationships and the usual scenario.

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to share God’s love with others in a variety of ways. We encourage you this Valentine’s Day (only a week away!) to rethink Valentine’s Day and ask the Lord to show you who you know who could use a little reminder of God’s love through you.

If you’d like some extra inspiration for your Valentines, Page recently shared a few ideas on “How to Give Unexpected Valentines” over at Mentoring Moments. Hint:  They’re not always printable. Sometimes they’re edible!


To help you in your love sharing endeavors, we’ve created a few Valentine cards for you to print at home or through your local printer. They’re 5 by 7 inches and should fit in most card-sized stationery envelopes. Enjoy!

  1. Llama Llove
  2. 1 Corinthians 13
  3. “Mane” Squeeze
  4. My Favorite
  5. God Is Love