Rethinking Valentine’s Day
But the fun of Valentine’s Day can extend way past those relationships and the usual scenario.
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to share God’s love with others in a variety of ways. We encourage you this Valentine’s Day (only a week away!) to rethink Valentine’s Day and ask the Lord to show you who you know who could use a little reminder of God’s love through you.
If you’d like some extra inspiration for your Valentines, Page recently shared a few ideas on “How to Give Unexpected Valentines” over at Mentoring Moments. Hint: They’re not always printable. Sometimes they’re edible!
To help you in your love sharing endeavors, we’ve created a few Valentine cards for you to print at home or through your local printer. They’re 5 by 7 inches and should fit in most card-sized stationery envelopes. Enjoy!