The Missional Christmas Challenge (Plus, a Giveaway!)

The Missional Christmas Challenge (Plus, a Giveaway!)

The holiday season is upon us and we enjoy the lights, sounds and activities as much as the next person. Yet we also see how easy it can be to get carried away in everything else but the true reason for our celebration. It’s Jesus’ birthday!

To help you and your family keep your Christmas more “missional” and about  Christ than “material” and about ourselves, we invite you to take “The Missional Christmas Challenge” with us next week.

For seven days, beginning next Tuesday, November 28, we’ll send a daily email to our subscribers with a short devotional from our book, A Missional Christmas, along with a simple, memorable family activity.

Read that day’s devotional, have fun with the special activity and  join us live on Facebook every night at 7 p.m. Central! We’ll share more about the devotional thought for the day and see how creative your family is each day.

Even if you can only participate one night, please do! It’s not our intention to add one more thing to your “to do” list. We only want to help you keep your perspective at a time when it’s easy to lose.


If you’ve been following Page on Facebook Live, you know that she is particularly fond of giveaways! We have another special giveaway and here’s how to enter:

  1. Share the Missional Christmas Challenge on Facebook and tag us (@meanwhileministries)
  2. Use this link:
  3. Use the hashtag #missionalchristmas

We’ll collect all your names and do a drawing Tuesday, November 28.